
Yii 2 extension wrapper to communicate with RabbitMQ server via AMQP.

Primary LanguagePHPBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


AMQP extension wrapper to communicate with RabbitMQ server. Based on videlalvaro/php-amqplib.

This extension is reworked version of webtoucher\amqp extension


The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Either run

$ php composer.phar require t-kanstantsin/yii2-amqp "*"

or add

"t-kanstantsin/yii2-amqp": "*"

to the require section of your composer.json file.

Add the following in your console config:

return [
    'components' => [
        'amqp' => [
            'class' => tkanstantsin\yii2\amqp\Amqp::class,
            'host' => '',
            'port' => 5672,
            'user' => 'your_login',
            'password' => 'your_password',
            'vhost' => '/',
    'controllerMap' => [
        'rabbit' => [
            'class' => tkanstantsin\yii2\amqp\controllers\ListenerController::class,
            'amqp' => 'amqp',
            'interpreters' => [
                'my-exchange' => app\components\RabbitInterpreter::class, // interpreters for each exchange
            'exchange' => 'my-exchange', // default exchange

Add messages interpreter class @app/components/RabbitInterpreter with your handlers for different routing keys:

namespace app\components;

use tkanstantsin\yii2\amqp\interpreter\Interpreter;

class RabbitInterpreter extends Interpreter
     * Interprets AMQP message with routing key 'hello_world'.
     * @param array $message
    public function readHelloWorld($message)
        // todo: write message handler
        $this->log(print_r($message, true));


Just run command

$ php yii rabbit/run

to listen topics with any routing keys on default exchange or

$ php yii rabbit/run my_routing_key

to listen topics with one routing key.

Run command

$ php yii rabbit/run my_routing_key direct --exchange=my_exchange

to listen direct messages on selected exchange.

Run command

$ php yii rabbit/run --exchange=my_exchange --queue=queue1

to listen messages on selected exchange binding queue1

Also you can create controllers for your needs. Just use for your web controllers class tkanstantsin\yii2\amqp\controllers\AmqpConsoleController instead of yii\web\Controller and for your console controllers class tkanstantsin\yii2\amqp\controllers\AmqpConsoleController instead of yii\console\Controller. AMQP connection will be available with property connection. AMQP channel will be available with property channel.