Frequency sweep bug
t-sin opened this issue · 3 comments
When the freq sweeping is on, a note's initial sweep value is not reset.
For instance with current implementation, the initial sweep mod value of a note after a large amount of sweep down is set to very low value. Ideally, sweep mod value should be reset at the timing of note on.
This description was completely wrong. What I'm truly in trouble is like this: A modulator frequency is not reset when I toggled the sweep type while synthesizing long-note sounds (reproduction video on twitter).
I confused when I knew this behavior; is this a consequence of SoyBoy SP's spec or not. According to my current feelings is this (described in Japanese): my confusing means this behavior is not a consequence of its specs. And by fixing this, means resetting a sweep mod value when toggled sweep type, that makes us to create percussive repeatedly sounds by switching sweep types. So I decided to fix it like that.
EDITED: this became a new issue: #42
Hmm, I began to think that "This description was completely wrong" is partially wrong. In fact, here is two behavior about the frequency sweep feature: 1) internal sweep value is not reset when note on, 2) switching sweep type behavior. These are different issues so I make a new issue for 2 and this issue is about 1.
About this issue (means 1 in #36 (comment)), the value must be reset is a sweep_timer_counter
, is not a shadow_freq
, this is it for this issue.