
Select2 is being truncated when not focused

parthsha opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi, I am trying to use a select2 in a bootstrap modal and I am experiencing issues with the way select2 is rendering at the moment when I am not interacting with it. When I do interact with it, it renders and works properly. I am hoping someone could guide me on how to solve this issue. I have created a jsfiddle to demonstrate what is happening at the moment.


Hi, I did more investigation on this issue and discovered it is only happening in Chrome v 43.0.2357.81 for me. When I open the same page in IE v11.0.9600.17801 or Firefox v38.0.1 then this issue isn't happening at all.

I have also noticed that if I were to change the max-width of my parent form-group to an odd number, then this issue doesn't happen anymore.

Should I conclude this as a Chrome bug or is there any alternate fix I should be going for? I really don't like the idea of artificially fixing the parent max-width to an odd number!

👍 same problem here.

t0m commented

I think this has been fixed now, I took a look and it doesn't seem to appear anymore on chrome 50.0.2661.102. If it's still happening please report an issue on the official repo here:

