
Crashes on ESP32C3

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Timer.cpp line 32 tries to create timer 3 but the ESP32C3 only has two.

Suggest changing the line to

timer_ = timerBegin(1, 8000, 1); // div 80

t0mg commented

Would you mind sending a PR?

Note: I plan on updating this project with the new version of IOTWebConf but this got delayed by external factors (I broke my own clock). Any contribution towards maintaining this project is most welcome :)


I've submitted a PR. Thank you for accepting the previous one.

Note: I plan on updating this project with the new version of IOTWebConf but this got delayed by external factors (I broke my own clock). Any contribution towards maintaining this project is most welcome :)

May be able to help - email github@tjfs.com

t0mg commented

Thanks for the PR. Happy to discuss if you're willing to help further! On my side I don't think I'll be able to work on this before end of year.

Happy to discuss if you're willing to help further!

Hope to hear from you soon.
