
WiFi not working on MacBookPro15,1

Closed this issue · 19 comments

Been trying to get my WiFi working all day today 9-23-21

I follow https://wiki.t2linux.org/guides/wifi/ to a tee but for some reason it is not working

I’ve even used the Mojave firmware and I get a little success I actually get a wlan0 and iwtcl can see my network. Put passcode in and I keep getting Operation Failed no errors

When I don’t use Mojave firmware and use regular bugSur I run iwtcl and it can’t find my network. there is no wlan0

Running journalctl -k —grep=brcmfmac shows everything is working fine with Mojave firmware

Running same command with bigSur firmware I get error -2

is WiFi really this hard lol just wondering

Please fix I would like to install X and use arch Linux as my main driver

What’s the output of “uname -r”

Also, may I know your model identifier?

Model identifier is in the title. Can you try using wpa_supplicant instead of iwd and modprobing brcmfmac before connecting to a network?

bash-3.2$ uname -r
bash-3.2$ ioreg -l | grep RequestedFiles
| | | | | "RequestedFiles" = ({"Firmware"="C-4364__s-B2/kauai.trx","TxCap"="C-4364__s-B2/kauai-X0.txcb","Regulatory"="C-4364__s-B2/kauai-X0.clmb","NVRAM"="C-4364__s-B2/P-kauai-X0_M-HRPN_V-m__m-7.7.txt"})
bash-3.2$ system_profiler SPHardwareDataType | grep "Model Identifier"
Model Identifier: MacBookPro15,1

bash-3.2$ uname -r
bash-3.2$ ioreg -l | grep RequestedFiles
| | | | | "RequestedFiles" = ({"Firmware"="C-4364__s-B2/kauai.trx","TxCap"="C-4364__s-B2/kauai-X0.txcb","Regulatory"="C-4364__s-B2/kauai-X0.clmb","NVRAM"="C-4364__s-B2/P-kauai-X0_M-HRPN_V-m__m-7.7.txt"})
bash-3.2$ system_profiler SPHardwareDataType | grep "Model Identifier"
Model Identifier: MacBookPro15,1

uname -r had to be run on Arch

On the live iso or the installed arch I did last night?

Installed Arch

The installed arch has all the modified firmware from the wiki does that matter?

Arch install uname -r is 5.12.19-2-mbp


Model identifier is in the title. Can you try using wpa_supplicant instead of iwd and modprobing brcmfmac before connecting to a network?

I will try this in the morning

Get a kernel from https://github.com/jamlam/mbp-16.1-linux-wifi/releases if you want to use Big Sur firmware.

Big Sur is stable afaik.

@networkException Do you want me to follow the wiki still when using wpa_supplicant just don't do systemctl restart iwd? I will google how to use wpa_supplicant

You follow all instructions from the wiki but use


in /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf instead. Then run sudo modprobe -r brcmfmac && sudo modprobe brcmfmac and try connecting to a network

So I tried following wpa_supplicant but I errored out

Used Mojave firmware and I got wlan0 used old ell and iwd as suggested

I'm away from home for a few days so I had to also get wifi working on my machine. What I did is to use iwd as the guide describes but use an older version of iwd:

sudo pacman -U https://archive.archlinux.org/packages/i/ell/ell-0.39-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst # a required dependency for the older iwd
sudo pacman -U https://archive.archlinux.org/packages/i/iwd/iwd-1.13-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst

then ignore updates for those packages in /etc/pacman.conf:

IgnorePkg    = iwd ell

Tried that. Had to download manually on Mac to an external

Finished wiki and everything is up and running.

When I reboot I just run systemctl restart iwd and I'm connected

Had to download dhcpcd manually also and run it to get my ip

Anything else you want me to try out man this completed

I would probably add a note in the wiki to try Mojave drivers on MacBookPro15,1 arch install

Update: 9-25-21


Used old iwd and ell



Used Mojave firmware


Used wiki for everything and everything has been working fir a straight day now

Should I close this out? Can you guys make an excerpt on the wiki telling people if they are having issues in the MacBookPro15,1 to try what I did?


Newer iwd versions causing issues is a model independent issue. The wifi guide does have a note on this but it's clearly not visible enough. I will close the issue for now

Running MacBookPro15,1 here and used the custom Archiso r3.2898e6f mentioned in the wiki's arch guide and had no issues connecting to wifi following the wifi guide and the steps listed to use iwd in the image's MOTD.