
[Bug]: Credit Card Prompt Fix didn't work

NichFuture opened this issue · 24 comments

What happened?

When I tried to run it CCStopper's Credit Card Prompt Fix, it ran but didn't actually fix anything Paywall

I ran Stop Adobe Processes beforehand which seemed to run fine but nothing changed in Adobe CC

t4rra commented

HIJACKING THIS COMMENT: For those who are here to try to fix this issue: welcome!

As of Jan. 2023, I am not experiencing this issue. As a result, I am working mostly blind here. Regional and antivirus issues are of suspect right now.

Please check that your antivirus' firewall is off as that seems to be the issue most are experiencing.

Also, if you have recently reinstalled Creative Cloud and it doesn't work/is stuck on the loading screen, try removing the firewall rule and hosts entries.

In order to keep things as organized as possible, please include a few things if you intend to log your case of this problem.

  • Antivirus - EX: Bitdefender, Norton, McAfee, etc.
  • Region - EX: US, Morocco, Spain, etc.

Old comment:
What version are you running, and could you check your firewall settings to see if the rule is there? It should be prefixed with CCStopper-

I faced the same issue as well. Firewall has the rule there.
Im on version 1.1.3

Try disabling your antivirus as that may prevent CCStopper from adding rules to the firewall.

Keep in mind that any other software managing your network security may interfere with rules set via Windows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security. McAfee is specifically & frequently known to cause problems bypassing the payment prompt. I’m unfamiliar with McAfee and have yet to investigate a workaround, but user Emette in the GenP Discord has posted a potential solution:

Additionally, I realize this sounds trivial, but double check your Firewall & network protection pane in Windows Security and verify that the firewall is enabled for your active connection. Many users with this issue have gotten mixed up with their domain, private, and public network configurations resulting in a misconfigured firewall, or have unknowingly disabled it entirely.

t4rra commented

^^ cleaned up misinformation in a few comments above

the deleted comment: "either its only been patched in certain regions or your network is configured incorrectly. it's still working as im typing this."

There could be regional differences surrounding popups like these so it isn't completely invalid. I can also vouch for its functionality as of now.

Today I use it successfully, I am on version 1.1.3
The antivirus software firewall you downloaded should be turned off "all", not just the adobe cc software (I use avast)
Then apply the CCStopper rule and you can succeed

Thanks for your input.

For added information--placing the firewall rule is essentially only half of the process; firewall and network security also need to be configured so they are managed through Windows Defender because other security providers generally do not consider Defender’s rules in their own security policies. Disabling all network related security settings in Avast probably forced a fallback to Defender for firewall management (in turn enforcing the rule placed by CCStopper) which should be a functional solution for anyone experiencing this issue, however if it doesn't fallback automatically you may need to enable Microsoft Defender Firewall listed under your active network in Windows Security's Firewall & network protection pane.

tl;dr - mixing security policies is a mess and requires clean-up before it works properly

Hey guys!

I'm posting the solution for my problem with the CCstopper v1.2.0, as i've seen many people talk about the same issue but no one suggested/tried this fix.

When i oppened my batch file and tried to run the first option (Stop Processes) it was flashing the error 'no digital signature' (as it was very fast, i didn't paid attention to that in the firsts attempts). So i just unblocked all the files in the script folder (right click > properties > check the unblock box and hit apply), and now everything is working fine, no need to disable firewall/antivirus.

t4rra commented

Hey guys!

I'm posting the solution for my problem with the CCstopper v1.2.0, as i've seen many people talk about the same issue but no one suggested/tried this fix.

When i oppened my batch file and tried to run the first option (Stop Processes) it was flashing the error 'no digital signature' (as it was very fast, i didn't paid attention to that in the firsts attempts). So i just unblocked all the files in the script folder (right click > properties > check the unblock box and hit apply), and now everything is working fine, no need to disable firewall/antivirus.

Just updated with v1.2.0-pre.2, please give that a try and see if you still need to unblock the file.

ACC stopped loading then it popped up telling me it was damaged and it basically redownlaoded itself now im all scrambled up on the steps, I tried Ending all the tasks and I turned off my Norton Firewall and Tried CCstopper and the rules are up and everything but the Credit card trial still pops up.

t4rra commented

ACC stopped loading then it popped up telling me it was damaged and it basically redownlaoded itself now im all scrambled up on the steps, I tried Ending all the tasks and I turned off my Norton Firewall and Tried CCstopper and the rules are up and everything but the Credit card trial still pops up.

Did you get an error something along the lines of "you may not have full access to Adobe products and services?"

You can safely ignore that error if so. Adobe makes a Creative Cloud cleaner tool, I suggest you run that and reinstall everything.

It seems that Trial Banner on CCStopper does not seem to work for me, When I click it, it just goes back to the original screen.

ACC stopped loading then it popped up telling me it was damaged and it basically redownlaoded itself now im all scrambled up on the steps, I tried Ending all the tasks and I turned off my Norton Firewall and Tried CCstopper and the rules are up and everything but the Credit card trial still pops up.

Did you get an error something along the lines of "you may not have full access to Adobe products and services?"

You can safely ignore that error if so. Adobe makes a Creative Cloud cleaner tool, I suggest you run that and reinstall everything.

yes and Will do. By reinstalling everything, do you mean the ACC apps and ACC or that AND the GENP and CCstopper as well?

t4rra commented

It seems that Trial Banner on CCStopper does not seem to work for me, When I click it, it just goes back to the original screen.

Yeah, that's why it's not in v1.2.0-pre.2 lol

t4rra commented

yes and Will do. By reinstalling everything, do you mean the ACC apps and ACC or that AND the GENP and CCstopper as well?

I do believe it's just the Creative Cloud app, not any of the programs (Photoshop/Premiere/etc.)

No need to reinstall GenP or CCStopper unless you modified one of them.


I'm not sure how to run the cleaner tool but I tried uninstalling creative cloud through windows, and it would give me two options; . However, it would not allow me to reinstall it because I have photoshop.

yes and Will do. By reinstalling everything, do you mean the ACC apps and ACC or that AND the GENP and CCstopper as well?

I do believe it's just the Creative Cloud app, not any of the programs (Photoshop/Premiere/etc.)

No need to reinstall GenP or CCStopper unless you modified one of them.

I have reinstalled CC and did the steps from Reddit to crack it but now it just sits on the loading screen.

t4rra commented

I have reinstalled CC and did the steps from Reddit to crack it but now it just sits on the loading screen.

Stop all adobe processes, then check the firewall/hosts file and remove entries made by CCStopper. CC should work now.

Considering the popularity of this tool, I suppose it's unlikely, but I'll ask anyway: does applying the Credit Card Prompt fix cause anything else to break? I would think that if you block the desktop service from connecting to the internet, it would break things like file syncing and even in general the ability to download updates.

afgks commented

I have this problem as well. I'm on the latest version, and the firewall rules are created by the CCStopper successfully, but nothing happened to the credit card prompt screen. I have used the Cloud Cleaner Tool to clean everything before I started the installation process.

I also am having an issue with CCStopper stopping the CC popup. I have no 3rd party anti-virus, everything was ran as admin. The IPs are showing up in host file, and the outbound rules from CCStopper appear to be in place. I also added the manual blocks that the guide#2 suggests on reddit. I've fully wiped all adobe products twice, and ran through the process and keep landing in the same spot...CC popup when I try to select "Try" on any app within creative cloud.

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