Update web site submission guidelines

cmcqueen opened this issue · 6 comments

I'd like to submit an improvement to the Serial HOWTO. But what's the current process?

  • The web site mailinfo page says "Remember that we prefer GitHub for new submits, followed by a message to!" But it provides no link to GitHub or any further description of the process
  • The web site author guide doesn't mention this GitHub project.
  • I see there have been pull requests on this GitHub project. But they don't appear in the recent changes page, and looking at the recent Bash Prog change, it seems it has not resulted in an update to the corresponding page on the web site.

You might attract more contributions if the submission process was more transparent.

ser commented

You are absolutely correct, all that documents require update. We need more volunteers for it.

We're working on these issues. The LAG is being updated to reference git and GitHub and we're reviewing the documentation generation process so things get updated a bit faster. If you'd like to volunteer to assist, you can join the mailing list and we can certainly throw some tasks your way.

I am not able to commit to volunteering on an ongoing basis. At this stage I just want to make a specific contribution to the Serial HOWTO. The GitHub pull request mechanism is good for these sort of one-off contributions with low administrative overheads.

Greetings Craig,

I am not able to commit to volunteering on an ongoing basis. At
this stage I just want to make a specific contribution to the
Serial HOWTO. The GitHub pull request mechanism is good for these
sort of one-off contributions with low administrative overheads.

Yes, completely agreed. Feel free to clone and update--just keep in
mind that we hope to involve current author(s) of the documents
before accepting pull requests. The most recent listed author of
the Serial-HOWTO (written in Linuxdoc format, it seems) is David

We would prefer that the most-recent listed author
generate/authorize the pull request; credited correctly to you, of

Could you contact him? If that avenue fails, please let us know.

And, lastly, thank you for your interest in adding to and/or
correcting this documentation.


Martin A. Brown

Hi, same on here, I want to contribute by traslating, but Im unable to find the last autor, ... any sugestion?

Thansk a lot,



Sorry, but Sergio's comment poped up a question on my head... How are the translations managed? I mean, the spanish translations for example were (still are, it seems) managed on a completely separate project and the docs can't be retrieved (I think) from the TDLP repositories, but for the project's... In the other hand there are various $LANGUAGE-howto's on your repository...

I'd sure like to translate some docs to my language (valencian/catalan) on my spare time, too, but I'm a little bit confused...

Best regards,
