OPS search crash
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taalbrecht commented
Crash when executing detailed search with the following string:
ta=energy and ta=harvesting and ta=implant
session window error is as follows:
Unhandled error in observer: error in evaluating the argument 'node' in selecting a method for function 'xmlClone': Error in XML::getNodeSet(resultparsed, "//x:exchange-document", "x")[[j]] :
subscript out of bounds
if (input$summary_search > 0 | input$link_search > 0 | input$detailed_search >
0 | input$clear_filters > 0) {
if (length(DBSwitch()[["Fetch"]]) > 0) {
entfetch <- DBSwitch()[["Fetch"]]
isolate(filterinclude$ids <- entfetch$PMID)