
Advanced tab closure status / not closing popup immediately

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Chrome, in my experience, was always very quick about closing tabs (or maybe I just never had as many open in Chrome as I'm prone to in Firefox, at such closeness to my system's memory limits).

However, in my Firefox experience, sometimes closing a hundred tabs will take some time - and, in that time, I'm liable to press the Stash button again (which I believe leads to double-stashing).

What'd be cool would be to display a "progress ring" of the tabs getting saved/closed

You could put the initial revision of the document immediately, and then start putting new revisions to the tabs in it by status as they close (ie. their promises resolve, or reject).

This would also serve as an elegant way to handle / detect "this tab is blocked waiting for the user to confirm.deny if they want to navigate away", and putting it in the document as a "this tab was in the group to be stashed but actually stayed open"

Chrome, in my experience, was always very quick about closing tabs (or maybe I just never had as many open in Chrome as I'm prone to in Firefox, at such closeness to my system's memory limits).

However, in my Firefox experience, sometimes closing a hundred tabs will take some time - and, in that time, I'm liable to press the Stash button again (which I believe leads to double-stashing).

In this branch, I moved all DB operations to the background page. Therefore the popup can collection tab url/title > send information to background > close tabs immediately. Then those information will be inserted into DB in the background.