
[brainstorm, no code] Autogenerate meaningful commit messages (by summarizing changes in source)

Primary LanguagePython


Brainstorming stage.

Autogenerate meaningful commit messages (useful for automatic commit software like https://github.com/chrisparnin/autogit).

Smart automatic VCS commit messages based on AST/lexing diffs. Language-specific monitor -> summarize the changes.

“commitent”: comm-it comm-ent

Alt. name: commitage, messagit, commess, commessage, commitsage, commitge, cmtage

Example commit messages (LaTeX)

The end goal is to have commit messages of the sort:

  • [auto] paper.tex: Add 3 paragraphs to §3 (The need for inc…)
  • [auto] paper.tex: Move subsection “Other interesting fa…” from §3 to §5
  • [auto] paper.tex: Move 2 paragraphs from §5 to §3
  • [auto] paper.tex: Add 1 tikzpicture to §3 (The need for increas…)
  • [auto] paper.tex: Edits to §3 (The need for increas…)

How to achieve this?

Base the commit messages on parsing the source (new and last commit) and diffing the generated trees.

This could be done with ASTs, but syntax-highlighting lexers are probably better suited to the task. (Problem for AST: ASTs ignore comments, non-significant whitespace. Possible solution: add a pre-processing (or parallel-?) step to capture these.)

Analyze two source files and generate a commit message summarizing the meaningful differences between them.

Commitent’s job will thus be to provide:

  • Set of rules and definitions defining how to treat a particular language: what parser to call for the AST, and what/how to handle things not picked up by the AST.
  • Define structural elements and certain thresholds for how to treat them. Based on these thresholds, decide where to call the shots on what to report as significant.

Do so by using a plugin-like architecture for dealing with:

  • Different languages (Python, Latex…)
  • Different VCS systems (git, mercurial)
  • Maybe: integrating into different editors (emacs, vim, TeXMaker). Q: is this better handled at a different level (e.g., through autogit)?

Outsource the parsing work as much as possible (Pygments?):

  • LaTeX: pygments.lexers.markup.TexLexer
  • Python: pygments.lexers.python.PythonLexer, pygments.lexers.python.Python3Lexer

Other notes:

  • VCS-abstract implementation, if possible. Just provide info for commit message.


Pygments is probably the way to go (pygments.lexers.markup.TexLexer). Cf. http://pygments.org/docs/lexers/

Also, PlasTeX provides an extensible parser that produces an AST-like structure. However, PlasTeX has important limitations: TeX is hard to parse. PlasTeX does not implement everything. Would need to extend its LaTeX package-awareness somewhat, and provide a fallback parse-to-string for edge cases.

LaTeX structure:

  • header (vs body)
  • sections, sub, subsub
  • paragraphs
  • figures
    • examples
    • tables
    • tikz…
  • etc. …