
Opening TE by clicking folder on the desktop opens three additional "dead" tabs

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I haven't found any other reports about this bug, but please tell me if there are.

I'm otherwise very pleased with TE and this is not a big thing, but it is oh so annoying.

As the title suggests there is three additional "dead" folder tabs opened appart from the desired folder when i start TE by clicking a folder on my desktop.
There is no problem when navigating to Desktop from within TE.

I've tried activating and deactivating several add-ons, looking in their respective settings and spent hours googleing for a solution, but no luck so far.

Is there a solution or does anyone have an idea of what to do/look for?

(I'm using Windows 11)


ccfs commented

Actually how do you start TE? Normally you cannot start TE by clicking a FOLDER.

  1. Is your "folder" a shortcut (.lnk file) to run TE with a folder path? If so, please show me the "Properties" of the shortcut file.

  2. Have you set up the Registry so that TE starts when you click a folder? If so, please show me the Registry entries.

  3. Do you use "Shell execution hook" add-on (not likely since the add-on probably cannot run on Windows 11)?

  4. Do you use "Open instead" add-on?

Please choose Help > About TE, copy your TE info, and paste it to your reply.

Your questions actually made me stumble over the cause of my problem.
For some reason my Registry entries looked like this:
"C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\tablacus\tools\TE64.EXE" "%1" /T /O /S

Causing the three additional tabs to be added because of "/T /O /S" when TE where opened (with the help of add-ons "Shell execution hook" and "Open instead") by clicking a folder on my desktop.
Now that "/T /O /S" have been removed TE works like a charm!

I apologise for my noobiness.
I will close this issue.

Thank you so very much for your support in my selfinflicted issue and for a great file explorer!

Best regards,

I'm so grateful for this thread, spent hours trying to figure it out, I also had /O in my reg, now it's all fixed up!