
Progress bar.

Opened this issue · 6 comments

Good morning.
If possible, please add a progress bar for loading folders. Thank you very much for your time. Have a nice day.

Unfortunately I don't know how to get the current progress.
Let me know if you have any information.
Have a good one.

Unfortunately, I don't know either. The only idea that comes to my mind (I don't know if it is wise or feasible) is for Tablacus Explorer to create a file with a record of how many files there are in a given location, when copying or deleting, it would add/subtract 1 to the file values, and when loading a given location, it would divide the number displayed files by the number of files in the location and displayed the percentage information in the bottom bar. But I doubt this would be a good solution, if it is even possible. Thank you and have a nice Saturday.

I found out from Wiki that Tablacus Explorer is based on a web browser.
I'm curious which browser it is based on.
In any case, for the Pale Moon browser I use the extension which adds, among others, the display of loading time and loading progress in percentage. It is open source and maybe after modifications it can be added to Tablacus Explorer.

@tablacus Maybe this code will work:
std::vectorstd::string GetFilesInDirectory(const std::string& directory) {
std::vectorstd::string files;
for (const auto& entry : std::filesystem::directory_iterator(directory)) {
return files;
} - file list download

void DisplayProgressBar(const std::vectorstd::string& files) {
int totalFiles = files.size();
int currentFile = 0;
for (const auto& file : files) {
// Load the file and perform operations.

// progress bar update
std::cout << "\r" << "[" << std::string(currentFile * 50 / totalFiles, '=') << "]" << std::flush;

std::cout << std::endl;

std::thread fileLoaderThread(& {
files = GetFilesInDirectory(directory);

// Wyświetl pasek postępu

fileLoaderThread.join(); - You can use threads to make downloading the file list and updating the progress bar in parallel.
I hope this code (after any changes) will work.

Thank you for looking code for me.
But it seems to have nothing to do with IExplorerBrowser.


Thank you for looking code for me. But it seems to have nothing to do with IExplorerBrowser.


I thought the code wouldn't be correct, but I thought maybe after changing it you'd be able to come up with something. What browser is TablacusExplorer based on?