
Slight delay with transparent display - te240223

JoxCoswit opened this issue · 7 comments

With the new version te240223 there is some 'slight' delay with transparent display!?
I don't know if it just seems to me or what?

It seems to me that the previous versions opened much faster, instantly - without transparency, delay...etc.

If it can go back to would be awesome! 🤗


If you could please take a look at this, and check what this is about:

That happened to me a couple of times, but rarely... a few times.

I used to get this error message below or TA froze a couple of times and closed automatically.

It was happening after I run the grouping script and close the tab right after.

So, the script is properly executed and if I close immediately tab (right after I saw that the script was finished) - either an error appears or it freeze and crashed. (I used yours and the ccfs scripts, it behaves the same)

This does not happen if I wait 2-3 seconds and then close the tab.

I am most interested in what it could be and if anything can be done about it?

Now I use the method to wait a few seconds after executing the script and not rush to close the tab.
In this case, there is no problem and no error appears.

It mostly happens when I forget to wait a few seconds...
For example: When I want to do something quickly and close the tab "immediately" after the script finished.
(In a hurry I forget to wait those a few seconds)

So it only happens when script is finished and the tab is immediately closed; otherwise - there were no problems.

I tried with the older version te230712 and with the version te240218.
The error is the same, only the code line is different: 981 / 991

This is the error message with the version - te230712

This is the error message with the version - te240218

ccfs commented

Regarding the grouping script:
When you see the script (Move selected items to new folder) executed, it is actually not fully completed. It will wait briefly and then select the new folder.
Please use "Move selected items to sub-folder" script which do not wait and should not have the above problem.


If I physically see the folder, does it that mean the folder hasn't actually been created yet?
That is the script has not finished yet?

I'm looking at it, if the folder is created - the script is finished.

I will check again because these past few days I worked with both last scripts and even with your previous ones.

Otherwise scripts works fine only when I'm in a hurry and If I close the tab immediately and that it happened.

Because I looked if the folder is created that's it.

PS. I have now expanded a bit on my previous comment.



In your last scripts I didn't have an option to create only new folder when nothing is selected.
So I used your previous one, and Gaku's last one with a delay.
Now I see that I had the same thing with both of them.

You're right, there was no error with this last one of yours.
An error occurred with your previous from the beginning.

I would like to ask you when you have time to add the option when nothing is selected to create only a new folder.

Thank you in advance...



Cool, I can confirm that it's fixed now.
I used your and ccfs previous scripts and now there is no error or freeze/crash.

I'd even say it's even faster now.

I also wanted to ask you if there is anything that can be done about case from yesterday.
It is noticeable not only on weaker configurations but also on better ones.

I don't know how to describe it...

Before it was instant & immediately.

Now It feels like it's dragging/laggy loading when the TA starts.



Thank you for that.
Much appreciated! 😊
