
Short files names

Opened this issue · 4 comments

My filenames in large icons view mode are shortened comparing to windows explorer, is it possible to make names show in full? I tried changing font size & play around with settings but can't make it work.

Windows File Explorer:
Screenshot 2024-03-24 112126

Screenshot 2024-03-24 112132

Please try to check Options -> List -> Style ->Explorer browser -> Icon.



Thank You! It's working but it seems it's not compatible with addons. Font settings addon is not working with it. Color of background is different than Dark mode addon, but this one is easy to fix in styles.css. There's some issues with Remember folder view addon, like changing view to medium icons from the one i've set up before, double opening "This PC" everytime i enter it (you can hear it on video, i use navigation click addon) & also if i open folder & straight away try to open another folder, it moves me back to previous folder. I have none of these issues with "Icon" option off.

Is there any other way to get full text without using this option? :(


I have created a new add-on "Icon label plus".
Please give it try.


I tested "Icon label plus" & it's a step in right direction but there's some issues that make Tablacus feel lacking comparing to Windows explorer, at least in large icons view.

  1. Tablacus with "Icon label plus" shows 2 lines of text while Windows shows up to 4.

1234 Tablacus
1234 Windows

  1. Tablacus have less horizontal spacing between icons than Windows which makes names hard to read when there's a lot of files with long names.

Tablacus Horizontal
Windows Horizontal

  1. Windows increase vertical spacing in each icons row separately depending of file with longest name in this row (up to 4 name lines). It would be lovely to see this feature in Tablacus.

Windows Vertical Spacing

  1. Tablacus hover not working properly with "Icon label plus" addon, background only cover first line of name & don't extend on second line unless we click file. Windows in comparison adjust hover background depending of how many lines of text there is (up to 4) & clicking file just change color of background.

Tablacus Hover
Windows Hover

  1. In Tablacus when file name have over 2 lines of text, clicking this file makes it show full file name & it overlaps file below. In Windows it don't happen due to vertical spacing that it creates & limit of 4 name lines before name is hidden, even when you click file, it still shows only 4 lines.

Tablacus Click
Windows Click

  1. This one is not connected to file names or anything i showed before, i discovered it while testing all things above. When i move my mouse to the right, every third file is skipped, it just don't hover. Everything works fine when i move mouse to the left. It happens with "Icon label plus" or without it so it's not addon fault.


Thank You for Tablacus! it's really great app that i fell in love with & i hope you'll consider fixing things that i showed you. It would make Tablacus even greater experience for everyone than it is now & i would be finally able to move away from crashy windows explorer forever. If there's anything i could do to help, like donating some money for coffee, please let me know, i'll be more than happy to support you for providing us with this great tool!


I don't know if it'll help but i created file to check how many characters in name Windows allow & it's 57 characters + extension, which is 61 in case of .txt file. After adding one more character to it, it shows 58 characters, 4 dots & hides the rest, including extension.

W Characters