Additional Loggers added in the latest release while creating Workbook object
Closed this issue · 3 comments
mohitbhandari37 commented
Additional Loggers are added in the latest release while creating Workbook object, below is the output which lib generates while creating an object of Workbook class.
file_path=path of workbook file
local-name id
local-type datatype
remote-alias alias
Kindly look in to the issue.
bcantoni commented
@mohitbhandari37 we just fixed this in #238.
Let's leave this issue open until the next release and then we'll close it.
dev-mkc19 commented
@bcantoni when will new release be? Why it takes so long time to fix this small bug?
bcantoni commented
@mohitbhandari37 @dev-mkc19 this fix should be available in release 0.11 from this morning. Thanks for the reminder nudge. Releases on this project happen infrequently.