
Promise returned by changeParameterValueAsync/applyFilterAsync/selectMarksByValueAsync resolved before the changes are fully applied

florent-guinard opened this issue · 1 comments


The following functions of the Embedding API:

all return a Promise: we expect this Promise to be resolved when the corresponding action is applied on the embedded Viz.
In practice, we regularly notice that the Promise is resolved before the embedded Viz is fully updated. When this happens it can be as short as a 0.5s delay and as long as 2-3 seconds based on the size of the embedded Viz.

This causes issues with our usecases: for example, we take screenshots of the browser after applying those actions or record a video of the action being applied, and we have to add a manual 2/3 seconds delay after each action to make sure that the embedded Viz was fully updated.
This is not practical since it delays all of our interactions with the embedded Viz, and we have no guarantee that it will work for 100% of our embedded Vizs.

Would it be possible to change those Promises so that they are resolved after the embedded Viz is fully loaded, or add something in those functions to have this behavior ? Thanks !

Hi @florent-guinard, our team is currently investigating this.