
Counts hashtag repetition of latest X tweets of user's input (twitter handle)

Primary LanguagePHP


Displays 10 (default) tweets from a Twitter account and displays a summary of all the different hashtags in them with the number of repetitions of each one.

tw-htcount screenshot


  1. Using the provided composer.json, install dependencies $ composer install
  2. Create configuration file for OAuth package https://github.com/oriceon/oauth-5-laravel
$ php artisan vendor:publish
  1. Add your twitter app credentials (Or create a new app Twitter App Management) to config/oauth-5-laravel.php


  1. Access /public directory the application root. i.e. http://localhost/tw-htcount/public

  2. The first time you use the application it will automatically redirect to twitter for you to approve and authenticate.

  3. Twitter will redirect back to tw-htcount and will show an input.

  4. Type in a Twitter username on the input field and press Enter (Probably try with an account that "over-uses" hashtags)

There is an additional option to get directly request information by passing parameters in the url. These parameters are: {screen_name}, {num_tweets} (optional) and {response_type} (optional) and could be inclued as: http://app_base_url/public/screen_name/num_tweets

For example, the following url will display the last 40 tweets from the Twitter account '@nixcraft': http://app_base_url/public/nixcraft/40

For example, the following uri will display the last 20 tweets from the Twitter account '@thenextweb' in json format: http://app_base_url/public/TheNextWeb/20/json


  • The user account to fetch has to be public. No data will be shown in case is a protected account.
  • Defining the number of tweets to fetch from a url parameter could be limited by Twitter API.