
Impossible results

Opened this issue · 5 comments

This tool reports a download speed of 469.22 Mbit/s, but my ISP only provides 200 Mbit/s.
When using the speedtest.net website, it reports 190 Mbit/s as expected.

I also have a problem with exceeded test speed. On a physically limited connection of 100 Mbit / s, it shows a speed of more than 100. I think the problem arises when calculating the speed of several thread on high speed connections.
I changed the concurrency and * _size parameters in TestConfigTemplate.h for broadbandConfigDownload and broadbandConfigUpload

const TestConfig broadbandConfigDownload = {
        10000000,   // start_size
        120000000, // max_size
        10000000,   // inc_size
        65536,     // buff_size
        20000,     // min_test_time_ms
        1,        // concurrency
        "Broadband line type detected: profile selected broadband"


const TestConfig broadbandConfigUpload = {
        10000000,  // start_size
        120000000, // max_size
        10000000,   // inc_size
        65536,    // buff_size
        20000,    // min_test_time_ms
        1,        // concurrency
        "Broadband line type detected: profile selected broadband"

Now the speed shows more true. When concurrency = 2 sometimes shows overestimated values.

I'm also seeing this on my system (Linux 4.19.0-8-amd64). Sometimes reported speeds are x2 what I would expect (e.g. ~2400MBit/s, on a network segment that has a gigabit connection to my router). Reducing concurrency value to 1 results in more realistic speeds.

Same on my system

I get 129/127 while my ISP supplies max 100/100 (and is not delivering) my windows test are 95/95, and the Pi browser stats gives 54/98.

The values that this client reports seems to high

I have the same issues.
The tool sometimes reports more than twice of the amount the network-adapter is capable of.
So there are download-speeds of about 2180 MBit/s on a 1GBE adapter.

I am using a Raspi 4 for testing, so these results are impossible.
Please let me know if I should test something :-)