
Clear up documentation on IOS installation

Closed this issue · 4 comments

"To translate messages, create i18n folder and put .mo files into it. Drag the folder to just below the project in Xcode. Choose Create folder references."

I'm not entirely sure what this is trying to suggest.
Where do you create the folder, exactly?
Where are the .mo files?

Maybe some more detail might help myself, and others.

Where do you create the folder, exactly?

In fact, it doesn't matter. But the updated documentation says that you can create the i18n folder in your React Native project's root. You can see where the i18n folder is in the example project.

Where are the .mo files?

The i18n folder you created for your own project. You can see two .mo files in the i18n folder of the example project.

Any other questions?

When you say example project, I"m looking here: https://github.com/facebook/react-native/tree/master/Examples but I don't see what your'e describing, maybe you could link the example you mean?

Because it is not an official project of React Native, you should look for the example in this repository.

I thought now you are able to know where you should put the .mo files into. Let me know if you need more.