
๐Ÿž - maskitoTransform returns undefined

rikusen0335 opened this issue ยท 4 comments

Which package(s) are the source of the bug?


Playground Link

unfortunately nothing...


I am not digging down this behavior still, so I provide a short description:
We have the code like this:

const Test = ({ defaultValue: _defaultValue, ...props }) => {
  const maskitoOptions = useMemo(
    () =>

  const ref = useMaskito({ options: maskitoOptions })

  const defaultValue = useMemo(
    () => maskitoTransform(_defaultValue?.toString() ?? '', maskitoOptions),
    [_defaultValue, maskitoOptions]

  return <CustomInput {...props} ref={ref} defaultValue={defaultValue}>

In the local development, providing 3000 (Number) to maskitoTransform will return 3,000 (String),
but in the staging, providing 3000 (Number) will return undefined.

Maskito version


Which browsers have you used?

  • Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Safari
  • Edge

Which operating systems have you used?

  • macOS
  • Windows
  • Linux
  • iOS
  • Android

@rikusen0335 Hello!
Unfortunately, without reproduction it is almost impossible for me to help you ๐Ÿ˜ข

maskitoTransform utility is harnessed by strict TypeScript.
And its signature does not contain undefined:

export function maskitoTransform(
valueOrState: ElementState | string,
maskitoOptions: MaskitoOptions,
): ElementState | string {

Please, double check that in the runtime of the staging you don't provide undefined/null to maskitoTransform.

Thank you for quick response!
Well yeah, there should be reproduction here but I have not investigate the issue, and I wanna place this just a note for someone met similar.

Please, double check that in the runtime of the staging you don't provide undefined/null to maskitoTransform.

That is the weird point. Well, I am providing value with nullish coalescing operator (foo ?? '') which should provide a value
(sorry, previously written code is wrong! Fixed it)

@rikusen0335 Hello!

Unfortunately, I'm closing this issue because it does not have any reproduction.
If you reproduce it, feel free to open new issue!

Yeah sure
I just wanna make a note here