๐ - Documentation page `Browser Support` contains outdated information
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Hi, i have an error on olders browser that are not supported by maskito. is it possible to add somehow polyfill? i tried to use import 'core-js/actual/string/replace-all'; but this didn't fixed the issue.
error i got is
TypeError: str.replaceAll is not a function at escapeRegExp
If i downgrade maskito to 1.8.* it works fine. We have some users that uses older browsers versions, and i would like to add polyfill for them somehow. Is it possible? Thanks :)
Maskito version
Which browsers have you used?
- Chrome
- Firefox
- Safari
- Edge
Which operating systems have you used?
- macOS
- Windows
- Linux
- iOS
- Android
@kowalczyk-mateusz Hello!
i tried to use import 'core-js/actual/string/replace-all'; but this didn't fixed the issue.
Probably, you did something wrong because it should actually works.
Explore this StackBlitz: https://stackblitz.com/edit/maskito-polyfill-legacy-browsers
(I've tested this sandbox in legacy Chrome Chrome โ it works with import 'core-js/actual/string/replace-all'
and it throws error without it).
As for documentation page Browser Support.
At present time, it contains not up-to-date information about minimum required browsers โ it should be fixed to solve this issue.