
๐Ÿž - Add configurable parameter `minusSign` to `Number`

framasev opened this issue ยท 9 comments

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When using the maskitoNumberOptionsGenerator mask, hyphen minus (U+002d) is transformed to minus sign (U+2212) causing coercion errors:

// masked: 8722
console.log('masked: ', maskitoTransform('-1', maskitoNumberOptionsGenerator()).charCodeAt(0)); 
// unmasked: 45
console.log('unmasked: ', '-1'.charCodeAt(0));

// masked to number: NaN
console.log('masked to number: ', Number(maskitoTransform('-1', maskitoNumberOptionsGenerator())));
// unmsaked to number: -1
console.log('unmsaked to number: ', Number('-1'));

For example, these custom validators causing errors because of NaN (and in a server side - illegal character):

export class NumberValidators {
  static number({ value }: AbstractControl) {
    return NumberValidators.isNumber(value)
      ? null
      : { notNumber: `${value} is not a number` };

  static integer({ value }: AbstractControl) {
    return NumberValidators.isInteger(value)
      ? null
      : {
          notInteger: `${value} is not an integer`,

  static natural({ value }: AbstractControl) {
    return NumberValidators.isNumber(value) &&
      NumberValidators.isInteger(value) &&
      value > 0
      ? null
      : { notNaturalNumber: `${value} is not a natural number` };

  static whole({ value }: AbstractControl) {
    return NumberValidators.isNumber(value) &&
      NumberValidators.isInteger(value) &&
      value >= 0
      ? null
      : { notWholeNumber: `${value} is not an whole number` };

  static positive({ value }: AbstractControl) {
    return NumberValidators.isNumber(value) && value > 0
      ? null
      : { notPositiveNumber: `${value} is not a positive number` };

  private static isNumber(num: number | string): boolean {
    return Number.isNaN(Number(num)) === false;

  private static isInteger(num: number | string): boolean {
    return Number.isInteger(Number(num));

See tc39/proposals#37.

Maskito version


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Use maskitoParseNumber to parse masked string

Screenshot 2024-01-30 at 15 40 40

@nsbarsukov I would like to use maskitoNumberOptionsGenerator to create and apply mask to input without manual parsing of input value. The input value should be a valid number by default.

@nsbarsukov I would like to use maskitoNumberOptionsGenerator to create and apply mask to input without manual parsing of input value. The input value should be a valid number by default.

Mask is used to format a number. Formatted numbers display 'minus' sign, rather than 'hyphen' sign which you would usually expect when typing on a keyboard. This is better for accessibility with screen reader, as well as typographically correct. However it might cause issues when working with the value. Use maskitoParseNumber to turn the input string value into properly parsed number if you need to validate or manipulate it.

@nsbarsukov I believe that accessibility and typographic correctness should align with the interpreter's behavior and not impose unnecessary challenges on developers. Such behavior should be optional, left to the developer's discretion rather than enforced by default.

At the moment, developers are presented with the following challenges:

  • values are not recognized as valid numbers by the interpreter;
  • numeric validators do not function as expected;
  • manual conversion of values is required.

Why suggest a default behavior that might be more accessible and typographically correct when it essentially serves as a "one-size-fits-all" approach? It seems more prudent to allow developers the flexibility to opt into such behavior based on their specific use cases. This ensures a balance between accessibility, typographic correctness, and developer empowerment.

@framasev okey, we will add configurable parameter minusSign to maskitoNumberOptionsGenerator ๐Ÿ‘Œ

import {maskitoNumberOptionsGenerator} from '@maskito/kit';

const options = maskitoNumberOptionsGenerator({
    minusSign: '-',

It will be remain CHAR_MINUS as default value.
But developer will be able replace it with any value.

Your numeric validators wouldn't work as expected anyway, though, because they will be unable to parse thousand separators: Number('10 728.90') -> NaN.

And manual conversion is required anyway if you need a number and not a string.

@waterplea You are right. In any case, disabling the formatting of thousandSeparator is an option, unlike the formatting of the minus sign.

Regarding the masking directive, does it support different values for the model and the displayed value in the input, relying, for example, on flags like emitModelToViewChange and emitViewToModelChange in the implementation? This way, we could maintain accessibility and typographic correctness while preserving the validity of the underlying value.

Generally speaking it's impossible to maintain a masked and unmasked couple, and current directive is the general one. A dedicated number directive can easily be implemented extending default accessor:

Closed by #1118