
[BUG] many vulnerabilities in docker images

JLammering opened this issue · 3 comments

Describe the bug
The docker images have many vulnerabilities including some high and critical ones. Could you update the images?

How can we reproduce the behavior
docker scan taigaio/taiga-back


Hi there @JLammering, thank you very much for noticing this.
We've updated the image, so you can pull taigaio/taiga-back:latest and use it with the slim image up to date.

Hi, thanks for updating that image. Its solved for that one. Unfortunately its the same with all other images in your docker-compose.yml. There are often critical and high severity vulnerabilities.

hi @JLammering we have just pushed the other 3 images with the base images up to date:

  • taigaio/taiga-front:latest
  • taigaio/taiga-events:latest
  • taigaio/taiga-protected:latest