[BUG] Access is a blank page after successful deployment and taiga-docker_taiga-gateway_1 log shows a 304 error
maxianwei opened this issue · 1 comments
OS: ubuntu20.04
docker: 20.10.9
docker-compose: 1.21.1
Reference Documentation https://community.taiga.io/t/taiga-30min-setup/170 deployment taiga
this is my configuration:
TAIGA_SCHEME=http # serve Taiga using "http" or "https" (secured) connection
TAIGA_DOMAIN=taiga-test.viomi.net # Taiga's base URL
SUBPATH="" # it'll be appended to the TAIGA_DOMAIN (use either "" or a "/subpath")
WEBSOCKETS_SCHEME=ws # events connection protocol (use either "ws" or "wss")
SECRET_KEY="taiga-secret-key" # Please, change it to an unpredictable value!!
POSTGRES_USER=taiga # user to connect to PostgreSQL
POSTGRES_PASSWORD=taiga # database user's password
EMAIL_BACKEND=console # use an SMTP server or display the emails in the console (either "smtp" or "console")
EMAIL_HOST=smtp.host.example.com # SMTP server address
EMAIL_PORT=587 # default SMTP port
EMAIL_HOST_USER=user # user to connect the SMTP server
EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD=password # SMTP user's password
EMAIL_DEFAULT_FROM=changeme@example.com # default email address for the automated emails
EMAIL_USE_TLS=True # use TLS (secure) connection with the SMTP server
EMAIL_USE_SSL=False # use implicit TLS (secure) connection with the SMTP server
RABBITMQ_USER=taiga # user to connect to RabbitMQ
RABBITMQ_PASS=taiga # RabbitMQ user's password
RABBITMQ_VHOST=taiga # RabbitMQ container name
RABBITMQ_ERLANG_COOKIE=secret-erlang-cookie # unique value shared by any connected instance of RabbitMQ
ATTACHMENTS_MAX_AGE=360 # token expiration date (in seconds)
The following adjustments were made
version: "2.4"
These environment variables will be used by taiga-back and taiga-async.
...your customizations go here
Hi maxianwei,
Did you resolve this issue? I installed Taiga from Linux Ubuntu with docker but I facing the same issue from webside.
I did some changes in the .env file in "TAIGA_DOMAIN=taiga-test.viomi.net # Taiga's base URL" with my IP address and it should work but looks like not working.
If you resolved I wonder to know how.