Pact consumer client library in Swift
provides a DSL in Swift for creating pact files.
See the Pact README for detail.
Add the following line to your Cartfile.private
github "cookpad/Phakchi"
For information on how to use Carthage, please refer to the official Carthage documentation.
Add this statements to your Podfile
target 'YourApplicationTests' do
pod 'Phakchi'
For information on how to use CocoaPods, please refer to the official CocoaPods documentation.
Before you write your Pact definitions, you have to configure the mock server.
First, add a Gemfile to your project's root directory.
source ""
gem "pact-mock_service"
Then, edit your test scheme and add the following to the Pre-actions
section. (You might have to make changes to the PATH setting.)
BUNDLE_GEMFILE="$SRCROOT"/Gemfile bundle exec "$SRCROOT"/Carthage/Checkouts/Phakchi/scripts/
And set Provide build settings from
to your test target.
In the same way, you should run the stop_control_server
script post testing.
BUNDLE_GEMFILE="$SRCROOT"/Gemfile bundle exec "$SRCROOT"/Carthage/Checkouts/Phakchi/scripts/
First, Phakchi connects to the control server.
The control server is able to launch mock servers.
Launched mock servers are represented as instances of Session
Then you need to describe the interactions you are going to have with the mock server. Once the interactions are described, you then send a request to the mock server, check that the response is correct, and if your validation passes, a Pact file will be generated.
Below you will find an example for writing contracts for an API to fetch recipes with XCTest.
The request to the API is done by RecipeClient
's fetchRecipes(keyword)
import XCTest
import Phakchi
class SamplePact: XCTestCase {
let controlServer: ControlServer = ControlServer.default
var session: Session!
override func setUp() {
// Launch a mock server
let expectationToStart = expectation(description: "session was started")
controlServer.startSession(consumerName: "consumer", providerName: "provider") { session in
self.session = session
waitForExpectations(timeout: 5.0, handler: nil)
func testFetchRecipes() {
XCTAssertEqual(controlServer.sessions.count, 1)
let expectationToRun = expectation(description: "contract is valid")
session.given("There are 2 recipes")
.uponReceiving("a request for recipe")
.willRespondWith(status: 200, body: Matcher.eachLike(["recipes": ["name": "Tuna", "description": "Delicious"]], min: 10)) { isValid in
// This block will be executed after completion
}, executionBlock: { completeTest in
RecipeClient.fetchRecipes(from: "Sushi") { (recipes, error) in
// Expected to return 10 Sushi objects
XCTAssertEqual(recipes.count, 10)
XCTAssertEqual(recipes[0].name, "Tuna")
XCTAssertEqual(recipes[0].description, "Delicious")
completeTest() // Tell completion to the mock server
waitForExpectations(timeout: 5.0, handler: nil)
override func tearDown() {
let expectationToClean = expectation(description: "Tear down Pact environment")
// Clean up all interactions on mock server
session.clean {
waitForExpectations(timeout: 5.0, handler: nil)
If you get the error below when trying to launch mock servers, you should set Allow Arbitrary Loads
to YES
in the Info.plist
of your application target.
App Transport Security has blocked a cleartext HTTP (http://) resource load since it is insecure. Temporary exceptions can be configured via your app's Info.plist file.
As described in the above example code, you can use helpers to match using regular expressions.
- term
- like
- eachLike (Supported in pact-specification V2 only)
You can have a look at this documentation for more details.
- iOS 8+
- Swift 3.0.1
- Xcode 8.1+