
Caught SIGILL in blst_cgo_init, consult <blst>/bindings/go/README.md.

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Describe the bug

Starting simple-taiko-node with docker compose has the taiko_client_driver crash on launch, throwing out the error:
Caught SIGILL in blst_cgo_init, consult <blst>/bindings/go/README.md.

I was able to resolve the issue by building the taiko-client manually and changing the Makefile's build line to:

GO111MODULE=on CGO_CFLAGS="-O -D__BLST_PORTABLE__" CGO_CFLAGS_ALLOW="-O -D__BLST_PORTABLE__" go build -v $(LD_FLAGS) -o bin/taiko-client cmd/main.go

so adding both of these flags seemed to fix the issue with the blst dependency:

Steps to reproduce

Believe it can be reproduced by a CPU without the 3dnowprefetch flag, but not 100% sure.

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