
Impls for HashMap

CreepySkeleton opened this issue · 4 comments

It would be neat to have this implemented for HashMap<Regex, V>, HashMap<K, Regex>, and HashMap<Regex, Regex>.

Would the project accept such a PR?

Well, I'm not against that. But I think the first two would be overlapping, i.e. you can't implement both. But choosing any one against other doesn't make sense. So perhaps you need to use Serde wrapper :(

So perhaps you need to use Serde wrapper :(

Yeah, that's what I meant:

impl Serialize/Desirialize for `Serde<HashMap<Regex, T>> { /* ... */ }

// and others

Would you be open to accept such a PR?

Yes. I still sometimes mess up with orphan rules. But yes, if that works, I'm willing to accept the PR.

gahag commented

Can I work on this?