Inconsistent subscription types in the webhook resource
Closed this issue · 4 comments
offbyone commented
Describe the bug
I am attempting to model my existing tailnet configuration in terraform. I've imported my current webhook configuration, which left me with this plan:
# module.tailnet.tailscale_webhook.discord must be replaced
-/+ resource "tailscale_webhook" "discord" {
~ id = "wQRtqs3CNTRL" -> (known after apply)
- provider_type = "discord" -> null # forces replacement
+ secret = (sensitive value)
- subscriptions = [
- "categoryDeviceMisconfigurations",
- "categoryTailnetManagement",
] -> null
# (1 unchanged attribute hidden)
So, I updated my terraform to add those:
resource "tailscale_webhook" "discord" {
endpoint_url = var.discord_webhook_url
subscriptions = [
And now my plan results in an error:
│ Error: expected subscriptions.0 to be one of ["nodeCreated" "nodeNeedsApproval" "nodeApproved" "nodeKeyExpiringInOneDay" "nodeKeyExpired" "nodeDeleted" "policyUpdate" "userCreated" "userNeedsApproval" "userSuspended" "userRestored" "userDeleted" "userApproved" "userRoleUpdated" "subnetIPForwardingNotEnabled" "exitNodeIPForwardingNotEnabled"], got categoryDeviceMisconfigurations
│ with module.tailnet.tailscale_webhook.discord,
│ on tailnet/ line 3, in resource "tailscale_webhook" "discord":
│ 3: subscriptions = [
│ 4: "categoryDeviceMisconfigurations",
│ 5: "categoryTailnetManagement"
│ 6: ]
$ terraform version
Terraform v1.3.6
on darwin_arm64
... other providers
+ provider v0.17.0
offbyone commented
(Note; I upgraded terraform to 1.9.5 and no difference)
mpminardi commented
@offbyone thank you for reporting this! Looks like we missed adding proper support for category groupings for events when we added the webhook resource. Will look into fixing this.
mpminardi commented
@offbyone we've just released a v0.17.1 of the provider which should have a fix for this.
offbyone commented
Thanks! I've updated to 0.17.1 and it's all gravy now. I much appreciate the quick turnaround.