
Assertion error

Opened this issue · 6 comments

I'm trying to run your mnist example, and I'm getting:
File "/home/jbmaxwell/anaconda3/envs/tensorflow/lib/python3.6/site-packages/keras/callbacks.py", line 764, in on_epoch_end
assert len(val_data) == len(tensors)
As a note, I do get warnings about memory (I'm on a 6GB GTX 1060), but it does indicate that "this is not a failure".

I'll check it out some time today, thanks for the feedback :).

It was an observer issue - the code is now updated, feel free to notify me if you experience other issues.

Great, it appears to be training now. I'm wondering, though, is there a setting for the number of iterations, or is there some other stopping condition? I'm on roughly the 4500th iteration...

Since the implementation in this repo as of now is GAN and not WGAN (disregarding the InfoGAN specifics for a second), the losses of the discriminator and generator are not necessarily interpretable during training. So it is hard to build an automatic stopping condition based on those - currently it's up to you to judge when to stop the training based on the outputs in tensorboard (i.e. the Images tab for MNIST).

I have a WGAN implementation based on this repository lying around, and I plan to upstream it in the near future. In a WGAN, the behaviour of the D is generally much more stable, so there one could stop when the D loss saturates at a maximal value (as that would represent a saddle point in the optimization of the Wasserstein distance).

Right, okay. That makes sense. Thanks.

I noticed, in the code, there's a flag for recurrent_dim... Can you shed any light on how I might use that? Presenting my data as a sequence could work well, so I'm curious.