
plans re: React v16

macgyver opened this issue · 3 comments

This is a great project that has shaped and informed the development of the ecosystem, which is evidenced by convergent evolution for other frameworks, e.g. https://github.com/LinusBorg/portal-vue and https://github.com/yapplabs/ember-wormhole, and now with the introduction of portals as a core feature in React v16.

Just curious, what is the future of the react-portal package?

tajo commented

So my plan is to significantly simplify this library (there is already some code in master). Having only basic minimalistic wrapper for createPortal that will handle server side rendering and by default appends portal into document.body (with an option to specify your own node). I think that's still quite useful and covers 90% of use-cases.

I am still not sure if it's valuable to keep/develop stateful version of portal. It's nice for some basic use-cases but people tend to overuse it, asking for various life-cycle hooks while they should be rather using stateless version and implement whatever they need around it.

Opinions welcome!

tajo commented

Obviously this library is pretty popular (over 300k downloads/month) so I don't want to cause a crisis but some major changes are needed.

tajo commented

Check: #157