
Conflict with serialize option

MarcelEeken opened this issue · 6 comments

If you use this gem in a model in combination with a serialized field, http://apidock.com/rails/ActiveRecord/Base/serialize/class, the following function can cause conflicts on your data where you are unable to deserialize the data: https://github.com/take-five/acts_as_ordered_tree/blob/master/lib/acts_as_ordered_tree/instance_methods.rb#L422

We had this in our application were the move or reorder operation would cause the correct data that was already in the database to be overwritten update_changed_attributes function.

Hi Marcel

Could you please provide minimal code to reproduce the bug?

/cc @vkuznetsov please take a look too

Hi. I understood the problem, will try to fix soon.

@MarcelEeken we are going to change behaviour of move_to_* methods so they won't save model attributes except those related to tree state (parent_id, position etc). It should help you

Thanks for the quick fix.

@MarcelEeken please checkout release 1.2.0