
[CON/TP: Change e-mail registered]: consider implementing a mechanism to let users change e-mail

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Email field in CON/TP profiles is now locked; consider implementing a mechanism to let users change it

For various technical reasons, we had to lock the email field in profiles:

Why are we doing this?

Users may change their e-mails due to a lot of reasons.

What needs to be done?

Consider implementing a mechanism to let users change their e-mail on CON and TP.

This issue should be implemented after issue #705.

There's basically two ways of solving this one. Technical complexity is high for the first option, and higher for the second... but the long-term overall value-added of the second option is high.

  1. Implement this process in the current back-end
  2. Replace the current back-end with a so called "Identity Provider" (e.g. Auth0 or Okta), whose job it is to take care of storing user email/password and login/logout/signup/reset-passwords flows. This would significantly reduce the complexity and tech debt of our back-end, completely removing one of our two back-ends. There are also potential security vulnerabilities with the current backend which would be listed off our shoulders.

In both cases at least 2-3 weeks of work is required.

I suggest that for now we at least add a little text note next to the field directing users to contact someone if they need to change their email, so that we can do it manually on our end.

Business value? I'd say low to medium.

@helloanil, anything to add here?

@ericbolikowski Eric, thanks for the suggestion!
We agreed to use a short-term solution: a little text note next to the field directing users to contact someone if they need to change their email so that we can do it manually on our end.
I am putting this on the list of tasks for volunteers.