
[TP | Jobseekers Report] Address jobseekers with ReDI Location]

fortini opened this issue · 1 comments


Actually there are some jobseekers registered on Talent Pool without a ReDI Location, so we should know exactly the numbers.

Message from Manu:
"In this report there are Jobseekers registered on Talent Pool with the ReDI Location = ‘Hamburg’.
We have a couple of Jobseekers without any ReDI Location so I am not sure whether this number is actually higher but I couldn’t find another way to see whether they belong to Hamburg. Why some have an empty ReDI Location field?
As you can see in the report, there are 18 jobseekers with an approved profile of who 7 logged in after the Talent Pool has been integrated with Salesforce. Unfortunately, we cannot see when they have logged in last before that."

Why are we doing this?
Manu needs to know for reporting purposes.

What needs to be done?

All jobseekers profiles signed up after Salesforce migration have a ReDI Location (except one single one)
For jobseeker profiles dating from before the migration, some profiles have it, but most don’t
The reason is simple: in the past there was no field for ReDI Location on TP sign-up. We just asked “Which ReDI Course are you currently taking”.
To “fix” this we can consider writing a one-off script that basically will do this job:

  • Look at every Jobseeker Profile. If there’s a ReDI Connect Profile for the same Contact, copy the ReDI Location over from the ReDI Connect Profile into the Jobseeker Profile
  • Otherwise, set the Jobseeker Profile based on the ReDI Course field (easy since every ReDI Course belongs to one ReDI location)
    (Comments made by Eric)

The proposed fix is to write a script to do a one off job. That job can probably be executed by a human manually, by checking the records in salesforce and updating as needed, per the method/algorithm specified in a ticket. I would suggest that a human does it instead of a computer doing it.