
[TP]: Sharing unique URLs of job seekers (Pr.1)

astkhikatredi opened this issue Β· 14 comments


We would like to give job seekers the possibility to share their profile's unique URLs.

What needs to be done?

As a job seeker: I see a URL for my job seeker profile as follows: https://talent-pool.redi-school.org/app/me (no Unique ID)
When I am looking into job seekers' profiles from the company's perspective I see that every job seeker has a unique ID (e.g. https://talent-pool.redi-school.org/app/jobseeker-profile/a2Z9W0000000Y1LUAU).

So, as a result of the ticket:

  • Job seekers should be provided with the ability to share/copy their profile's URL, enabling company representatives to directly access their profiles on TP for efficient review.

Important thing: these URLs will not be public. So an employer or jobseeker will have to log in first to see this URL.
Implementation: within 1-2 weeks.

As agreed during the call, @ericbolikowski will do a small research on this topic by Thursday and will update us during the next call. Thank you, Eric!

@ericbolikowski Dear Eric, I was also thinking about approach similar to what you proposed for the job posting link.
On the Job Seeker profile, there is a part called Links (see the screenshot)
How about Introducing a new field labeled "My Talent Pool profile's URL" when a job seeker opens it: This field could be positioned before the "Personal Website" field and should display the same URL that the company would access when clicking on the job seeker's profile. The field should be fixed, accompanied by a designated symbol indicating "copy" (to give the user an understanding of the field).

I like the idea. Only doubt I have is that all the URLs in this modal are public profiles. The "My TP profile" URL is not (at least as I currently understand the requirements). It might be confusing to mix public and non-public URLs together.

PS! @helloanil and I looked into how to make both ...

  • jobseekers seeing their profile, and
  • companies seeing the same person's profile

... see the same URL: https://talent-pool.redi-school.org/app/jobseeker-profile/<id of the profile>.

It's relatively simple and shouldn't take much time. We even thought it's something we might give to a volunteer - what do you think? Is the completion of this ticket time-sensitive?

I am thinking out loud here: if we make job seeker's profiles public - it could indeed increase their chances of finding a job. Imagine we have a nice job opening from a company that is not yet in TP, JS can share their profile and the company can view it, right? In this case - how complicated it would be to make the job seeker's profile public with the possibility of sharing it?
On the other hand - we wanna have more companies in TP and giving them access to the JS's profile without logging in will hold them back from registering.

Technically one or two hours of work to make it publicly accessible. Indeed, it's more a product/business question. Let's think out loud in our upcoming meeting.

Thanks! I will also ask Janis and Pulina about the public option.

Dear @ericbolikowski

Janis confirmed that he doesn’t want the full profile to be visible, but here is another question: is it possible to hide only the private information, like name/picture/contact details for companies that are not logged in TP ?


Great to hear!
Do you have an example, perhaps from elsewhere, illustrating how these fields will be handled? Will they be hidden altogether, blurred?

@ericbolikowski And an important update:

Initial request: URLs not public - implementation within 1-2 weeks. It's completely fine for me if you delegate this to lovely volunteer.

Regarding the public visibility of URLs with certain fields hidden: this is not pressing, expected implementation in March/April. The specified fields are: PICTURE, NAME, IMPORTANT DETAILS, and LINKS.
But we will first test the first approach and then we will decide whether we will implement this at all.

Great to hear! Do you have an example, perhaps from elsewhere, illustrating how these fields will be handled? Will they be hidden altogether, blurred?

Imagine one of these two scenarios:

  • Remove/hide: A jobseeker's profile, with specific parts of the profile simply not there - as though the user never added them
  • Blur: on parts of profile we want to blur, display some random text (instead of "Eric Bolikowski" display "First First Name Name"), then add a blur effect - like this one for example

We can choose one or the other based we want our audience to think

  • Remove/hide parts: "Here's a profile ... but looks like bits of information are missing? I can't easily tell what is missing, but definitely first name and last name, I guess"
  • Blur: "ah, the website obviously wants to hide these specific bits of information, and I would need to do something, probably sign up somewhere, to access this information"

@ericbolikowski And an important update:

Initial request: URLs not public - implementation within 1-2 weeks. It's completely fine for me if you delegate this to lovely volunteer.

Regarding the public visibility of URLs with certain fields hidden: this is not pressing, expected implementation in March/April. The specified fields are: PICTURE, NAME, IMPORTANT DETAILS, and LINKS. But we will first test the first approach and then we will decide whether we will implement this at all.

Good! Hmmm, shall we talk more in tomorrow's meeting about which volunteer might be able to take on this task? I don't have a good overview of them at the moment. I think you and Anil have a better idea.

Regarding hiding parts of profile done by March/April: ok, good to have a time horizon on this. I guess then make a ticket for that if needed? And after we discuss the specs more? (i.e. remove/hide vs. blur)

@astkhikatredi just deployed to production.