
[CON]: Career Partner changes on CON - UX/UI Part

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The Talent Team is implementing new Career Partnership Packages, and this ticket outlines the necessary changes on Connect to ensure Career Partner mentors receive more visibility compared to regular mentors. Additionally, the ticket details the adjustments needed on the Platform to accommodate voucher codes for Career Partner mentors participating in the Corporate Mentorship Program.

Let's categorize all the mentor types on the Platform based on the new Career Partner approach:

Category 1: Regular Mentors signing up on CON require no changes.
Category 2: Mentors from Career Partners (CP) signing up on CON need to be sorted on top of the match criteria from mentees
Category 3: Mentors from CP participating in the Corporate Mentorship Program (CMP) must submit a voucher code.

What needs to be done?

We need designs for the following parts:
1) Any changes on a general Sign-up page? Please keep in mind that we are merging all the landing pages for CON and the sign-up page will be very similar to TP (location will be chosen via drop-down menu)
2) Mentors from Category 3 should have an opportunity to insert a voucher code:
Ideas on where to provide the option to enter a code:

  • When the system detects a mentor from Category 3, a pop-up window should prompt them to enter their voucher code immediately after the general sign-up page (refer to the screenshot). This pop-up window may include an informational icon guiding mentors on how to obtain the voucher code. Only after Submitting the code - the mentor can be redirected to a profile page.
  • Voucher code to be submitted somewhere on a profile page: Janis took a screenshot of a similar process when entering a voucher code for a sale in an online shop.
  • Can we think also about some notification, that will pop up if mentor Category 3 forgets to insert a voucher code - like "Hey, you should have a voucher code from your employer, please submit it"(believing that SF automation will work and the system will be able to identify from the beginning that this mentor is a Category 3 mentor)?

3) Simple badge to be developed for mentors Categories 2 and 3 (badge to be visible for mentors and mentees), something like "My Employer is a Career Partner".


We don't have enough SF support to integrate SF domain/email automation and there are many pending questions, so stakeholders will revisit the topic. I put label "Blocked" for now