
[CON&TP]: Migrate all cloud hosting to a new AWS account

Closed this issue · 2 comments


The platform is currently hosted on an Azure account with free credits from Microsoft. These are likely to run out (being confirmed) on 30 June 2024, earlier than the promised date of 31 December 2025.

If confirmed, the obvious option is to move all hosting to AWS, where the platform has been hosted before. ReDI has access to receive USD$1000 AWS credits via Stifter-Helfen.

What needs to be done?

  • Wait for confirmation that Azure credits are running out
  • Set up new AWS account
  • Migrate all hosting to the account

Update: Mireia will ask Microsoft this week about when our Azure credits expire.

Closing ticket:

  • There'a bit of "Microsoft's left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing"
  • To the best of our's and Microsoft's knowledge from a ReDI<>Microsoft meeting this week, the Azure credits will continue until June 2025
  • In the unlikely event that Azure credits expire before that, ReDI will keep paying for Azure (so CON/TP will stay online) but we'll immediately look at how fast an AWS migration can be done