
[Design System] Review styles and components in the new profile pages (mentee, mentor, company) and job posting page

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While implementing new features, both the UX designer and front-end developer noticed mismatches between our current design system libraries and the code base. This inconsistency leads to unnecessary rework and component overwriting. To solve this problem, we need to align design and development resources by establishing a single source of truth. The alignment of styles and components adopted in the latest designs of the profile pages (mentee, mentor, and company) and the job posting page is part of this initiative.

Why are we doing this?

To streamline component implementation and improve collaboration between design and development, thus improving the overall consistency, efficiency, and quality of our platforms' development.

What needs to be done?

Review Figma files containing the latest designs for profile pages (mentee, mentor, and company profiles) and job posting page :

  • Align titles and section titles styles.
  • Design all variations of icon buttons (as edit icon button, close button, save button) with states in our design system libraries.
  • Define and align photo size, colors, and placeholders throughout the above-mentioned pages.
  • Review new chip components (they need to be implemented for all the cases).
  • Highlight elements and components that require implementation in the codebase.