
CallCommandOnLeader frequently received EpochNotMatch

howz97 opened this issue · 0 comments

if CallCommandOnLeader request with stale region epoch (maybe split happend), client will receive EpochNotMatch, and it will retry with wrong region until timeout.

		if resp.Header.Error != nil {
			err := resp.Header.Error
			if err.GetStaleCommand() != nil || err.GetEpochNotMatch() != nil || err.GetNotLeader() != nil {
				log.Debugf("encouter retryable err %+v", resp)
				// fixme: maybe region splited when requesting, resp will be EpochNotMatch until timeout
				if err.GetNotLeader() != nil && err.GetNotLeader().Leader != nil {
					leader = err.GetNotLeader().Leader
					log.Debugf("retry on leader peer=%d,%d", leader.Id, leader.StoreId)
				} else {
					leader = c.LeaderOfRegion(regionID)