
Add project status and coverage to readme

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Thanks to travis, we could add badges like the status of the project or the coverage to the readme. This is a nice touch as it will motivate us to have a better coverage.

for code coverage, what do you think about that? https://codecov.io/
I've seen some popular repo use it.
For info, here is our current coverage for nose2:

Ran 14 tests in 0.009s

Name                         Stmts   Miss  Cover
mod_bot/__init__.py              0      0   100%
mod_bot/gym.py                  73      8    89%
mod_bot/main.py                284    284     0%
mod_bot/raid.py                 52      3    94%
mod_bot/roulette.py             35     35     0%
test/test_gym_match.py          55      0   100%
test/test_raid_creation.py      72      0   100%
TOTAL                          571    330    42%
tama commented

Looking good. Is there some way to integrate it into auto builds ?

the coverage from nose2, I don't think so. In Travis docs, this goes to external app like codecov, that do their own coverage analysis. Here is an example of code cov for a popular project: https://codecov.io/gh/apache/arrow