

Here is a list of the current projects of the 4C members!


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  • 1 project per member


Project Link Projects Title Description (optional) Twitter handle
https://github.com/FrancescoXX/free-Web3-resources FREE Web3 Resources A list of resources to learn Web3 for FREE FrancescoCiull4
https://github.com/Pradumnasaraf/open-source-with-pradumna Open Source With Pradumna Contains resources to learn about Open Source, Git, and GitHub. Pradumna Saraf
https://github.com/Susmita-Dey/Sukoon Sukoon The one step solution to get relief from your stress. Live a stress-free life by using this website. Susmita Dey
https://github.com/thegeekyb0y/learnpython FREE Python Resources Compiled list of Free resources to learn Python thegeekyb0y
https://github.com/AliReza1083/Weather-Api Weather API The place where you can check the Weather of a Country/City Ali Reza
https://github.com/akshitagupta15june/Face-X Face-X Demonstration of different algorithms and operations on faces. Akshita_archer
https://github.com/krishnanshagarwal112/Library Library A basic library management system [only frontend] KrishnanshDev
https://github.com/beccalyria/discord-bot Becca Lyria A community management and moderation bot for Discord. Becca Lyria