
Wrong Junction/Short in Schematic

BluPhoenix opened this issue · 3 comments

There is a Junction at the J1 connector shorting the A (Data) and D (VCC) inputs.

Thanks for your comment.

I checked with Kicad 5 on my mac and it was not short-circuited. It wasn't connected in PCB Editor either.
(Check the images below).

And when I checked it in Kicad 6, it was shorted in Schematic Editor as you said but not connected in PCB Editor.

I guess the problem is caused by Kicad 6 or something.

Screenshot 2022-06-25 at 12 21 13

Screenshot 2022-06-25 at 12 24 42

Screenshot 2022-06-25 at 12 25 03

The Kicad developer says that in Kicad 6, this is "as-designed" behavior. Sorry for the inconvenience, please use Kicad 5 for a while.

Hi thanks for the quick replies. Kind of weird of KiCAD to introduce an update that potentially changes connectivity.
For myself I'd simply move the VCC symbol a bit and remove the junction and then use KiCAD 6.

Just wanted to inform people of this issue before someone unknowingly updates the PCB Components and nets from schematic and doesn't notice this.