
Question about calculating how the number of scales is calculated

LeviDPC opened this issue · 2 comments


Thanks for making such an interesting and cool project. I'm trying to understand how the number of scales used in SinGAN is calculated. This code is from functions.py and I mostly understand what is going on but I have one point of confusion. In the first line why is 1 added onto the opt.num_scales variable. As far as I can tell if you don't add the one you usually end up with a scale_factor that is less than 0.75 but closser to it than the value that you get for scale factor if you do add the one.

opt.num_scales = math.ceil((math.log(math.pow(opt.min_size / (min(real_.shape[2], real_.shape[3])), 1), opt.scale_factor_init))) _**+ 1**_
scale2stop = math.ceil(math.log(min([opt.max_size, max([real_.shape[2], real_.shape[3]])]) / max([real_.shape[2], real_.shape[3]]),opt.scale_factor_init))
opt.stop_scale = opt.num_scales - scale2stop
opt.scale1 = min(opt.max_size / max([real_.shape[2], real_.shape[3]]),1)  # min(250/max([real_.shape[0],real_.shape[1]]),1)
real = imresize(real_, opt.scale1, opt)
#opt.scale_factor = math.pow(opt.min_size / (real.shape[2]), 1 / (opt.stop_scale))
opt.scale_factor = math.pow(opt.min_size/(min(real.shape[2],real.shape[3])),1/(opt.stop_scale))


Adding to this, i couldn't find where the max_size parameter of opt is initialised. Can you point me to the initialisation in code if you are aware about this?

Adding to this, i couldn't find where the max_size parameter of opt is initialised. Can you point me to the initialisation in code if you are aware about this?

Check out the config.py file. It's in there