
QueryParam generated documentation usage

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Hello here ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿ˜Š! First: thank you very much for the awesome work done in this repo ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ˜ !

I try to fill the generated documentation with "examples", especially for a QueryParam.

Here are the changes I made in examples/example-axum/src/todos/routes.rs in order to do some tests, focusing on the /todo/{id}/complete use case (I also imported Query from axum::extract):

  • Image:
  • Code:
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, JsonSchema)]
pub struct Int32DefaultedTo20(pub u32);

impl Default for Int32DefaultedTo20 {
	fn default() -> Self {
impl Clone for Int32DefaultedTo20 {
	fn clone(&self) -> Self {

fn index_serde_defaulted_with_value_fn() -> u32 {

#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, JsonSchema)]
pub struct StringDefaultedToHello(pub String);

impl Default for StringDefaultedToHello {
	fn default() -> Self {
impl Clone for StringDefaultedToHello {
	fn clone(&self) -> Self {

fn text_serde_defaulted_with_value_fn() -> String {

#[derive(Deserialize, Debug, JsonSchema)]
pub struct CompleteTodoQuery {
	/// The index
	#[validate(range(min = 18, max = 20))]
	pub index: u32,

	/// The index_as_u32_20
	#[validate(range(min = 19, max = 21))]
	pub index_as_u32_20: Int32DefaultedTo20,

	/// The index_serde_defaulted
	#[validate(range(min = 20, max = 22))]
	pub index_serde_defaulted: u32,

	/// The index_serde_defaulted_with_value
	#[validate(length(min = 21, max = 23))]
	#[serde(default = "index_serde_defaulted_with_value_fn")]
	pub index_serde_defaulted_with_value: u32,

	/// The text
	#[validate(length(min = 1))]
	pub text: String,

	/// The text_as_string_hello
	#[validate(length(min = 2))]
	pub text_as_string_hello: StringDefaultedToHello,

	/// The text_serde_defaulted
	#[validate(length(min = 3))]
	pub text_serde_defaulted: String,

	/// The text_serde_defaulted_with_value
	#[validate(length(min = 4))]
	#[serde(default = "text_serde_defaulted_with_value_fn")]
	pub text_serde_defaulted_with_value: String,

async fn complete_todo(
	State(app): State<AppState>,
	Path(todo): Path<SelectTodo>,
	Query(query): Query<CompleteTodoQuery>,
) -> impl IntoApiResponse {
    println!("query: {:?}", query);
    if let Some(todo) = app.todos.lock().unwrap().get_mut(&todo.id) {
        todo.complete = true;
    } else {

Here are the results at

  • View:
  • Send Request:

I noticed the following:

  • text_serde_defaulted is missing
  • index_serde_defaulted has 0 as value and is not visible in the curl example, whereas without serde_default it was 1 and it was visible in the curl example

What I would like is to have a way to set an example value for a query param:

  • This value requires to be independent from the "required" state of the query param (they are not really "defaults" but "examples")
  • This value requires be visible:
    • In the curl example of the main view (curl request ready to copy/paste with example values)
    • In the Send Request view, as the value in the cell in the "value" column related to the query param

Does anyone have some keys or tricks to achieve this need? ๐Ÿ€ ๐Ÿ˜ฌ