
Better Docs - Patterns

Closed this issue · 1 comments

tamb commented

Show patterns of use:

substate action with payload describing new state 
    --> (state cloning magic) 
            --> callback(s) w/ new state

substate action with payload 
     --> reused logic to consume this action and describe new state 
            --> (state cloning magic) 
                   --> callback(s) w/ new state

infinite actions, infinite data changes, infinite responses

A happens --> do B --> yields C for those who care

ABCD happens --> do E --> yields F for those who care

A happens --> do B2 --> yields C2 for those who care

ABCD happens --> do E2 --> yields F2 for those who care

tamb commented

Add example showing bridge between browser message queues and Node message queues.

Substate introduces a consistent API for messaging for both browser and Node