
[Question] Does it solves any problems which Cicerone does not?

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For the first lookup this library seems interesting.
However, there already is reliable solutions like Navigation Component or Cicerone(https://github.com/terrakok/Cicerone).
The last is more similar to what you suggest.

Could you please clarify does your library is aimed to solve any problems which Cicerone does not?

Hello @phansier !
Thank you for your interest in this library.
Basically, this library was not designed to be a replacement for the Navigation library, nor Cicerone. It aims to decrease the boilerplate code required to work with raw fragment manager. It goes well for projects with simple navigation and simple back-stack management, but wasn't tested on more complex situations, which it is not designed for.

I would be really happy to make a solution that might become a replacement for such great libraries such as Cicerone. But in the meantime, this is not the goal of this library. Please stay tuned for more updates.