
Parse currencies (symbols and codes) from and to ISO4217.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

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ISO4217 Currency Parser

Parse currencies (symbols and codes) from and to ISO4217.

Similar to iso4217 package, but

  • data is aquired by scraping wikipedia (see below) - this is repeatable and you stay on the most current data
  • currency symbols are currated by hand - this allows some fuzzy currency matching
  • no download and parsing during install
  • no external dependancies (enum34)

When you want to reuse the data.json file for your projects, please leave a attribution note. I licence the file under (CC BY 4.0).


pip install iso4217parse


Each currency is modeled as a collections.namedtuple:

Currency = namedtuple('Currency', [
    'alpha3',     # unicode:       the ISO4217 alpha3 code
    'code_num',   # int:           the ISO4217 numeric code
    'name',       # unicode:       the currency name
    'symbols',    # List[unicode]: list of possible symbols;
                  #                first is opinionated choice for representation
    'minor',      # int:           number of decimal digits to round
    'countries',  # List[unicode]: list of countries that use this currency.

parse: Try to parse the input in a best effort approach by using by_alpha3(), by_code_num(), ... functions:

In [1]: import iso4217parse

In [2]: iso4217parse.parse('CHF')
Out[2]: [Currency(alpha3='CHF', code_num=756, name='Swiss franc',
                  symbols=['SFr.', 'fr', 'Fr.', 'F', 'franc', 'francs', 'Franc', 'Francs'],
                  minor=2, countries=['CH', 'LI'])]

In [3]: iso4217parse.parse(192)
[Currency(alpha3='CUP', code_num=192, name='Cuban peso',
          symbols=['₱', '$', '﹩', '$', 'dollar', 'dollars', 'Dollar', 'Dollars', '$MN', '﹩MN', '$MN'],
          minor=2, countries=['CU'])]

In [4]: iso4217parse.parse('Price is 5 €')
Out[4]: [Currency(alpha3='EUR', code_num=978, name='Euro',
         symbols=['€', 'euro', 'euros'], minor=2,
         countries=['AD', 'AT', 'AX', 'BE', 'BL', 'CY', 'DE', 'EE', 'ES', 'FI',
                   'FR', 'GF', 'GP', 'GR', 'IE', 'IT', 'LT', 'LU', 'LV', 'MC',
                   'ME', 'MF', 'MQ', 'MT', 'NL', 'PM', 'PT', 'RE', 'SI', 'SK',
                   'SM', 'TF', 'VA', 'XK', 'YT'])]

In [5]: iso4217parse.parse('CA﹩15.76')
Out[5]: [Currency(alpha3='CAD', code_num=124, name='Canadian dollar',
         symbols=['CA$', 'CA$', '$', '$', 'dollar', 'dollars', 'Dollar', 'Dollars', 'CA﹩', '﹩'],
         minor=2, countries=['CA'])]

In [6]: iso4217parse.parse?
Signature: iso4217parse.parse(v, country_code=None)
Try parse `v` to currencies; filter by country_code

If `v` is a number, try `by_code_num()`; otherwise try:
    1) if `v` is 3 character uppercase: `by_alpha3()`
    2) Exact symbol match: `by_symbol()`
    3) Exact country code match: `by_country()`
    4) Fuzzy by symbol match heuristic: `by_symbol_match()`

    v: Union[unicode, int]           Either a iso4217 numeric code or some string
    country_code: Optional[unicode]  Iso3166 alpha2 country code.

    List[Currency]: found Currency objects.

by_alpha3: Get the currency by its iso4217 alpha3 code:

In [1]: import iso4217parse

In [2]: iso4217parse.by_alpha3('CHF')
Out[2]: Currency(alpha3='CHF', code_num=756, name='Swiss franc',
                 symbols=['SFr.', 'fr', 'Fr.', 'F', 'franc', 'francs', 'Franc', 'Francs'],
                 minor=2, countries=['CH', 'LI'])

In [3]: iso4217parse.by_alpha3?
Signature: iso4217parse.by_alpha3(code)
Get Currency for ISO4217 alpha3 code

    code: unicode  An alpha3 iso4217 code.

    Currency: Currency object for `code`, if available.

by_code_num: Get the currency by its iso4217 numeric code:

In [1]: import iso4217parse

In [2]: iso4217parse.by_code_num(51)
Out[2]: Currency(alpha3='AMD', code_num=51, name='Armenian dram',
                 symbols=['֏', 'դր', 'dram'], minor=2, countries=['AM'])

In [3]: iso4217parse.by_code_num?
Signature: iso4217parse.by_code_num(code_num)
Get Currency for ISO4217 numeric code

    code_num: int  An iso4217 numeric code.

    Currency: Currency object for `code_num`, if available.

by_country: Get currencies used in a country:

In [1]: import iso4217parse

In [2]: iso4217parse.country('HK')
  Currency(alpha3='HKD', code_num=344, name='Hong Kong dollar',
           symbols=['HK$', 'HK$', '$', '$', 'dollar', 'dollars', 'Dollar', 'Dollars', 'HK﹩', '﹩', '元'],
           minor=2, countries=['HK']),
  Currency(alpha3='CNH', code_num=None, name='Chinese yuan (when traded offshore)',
           symbols=['CN¥', '¥', 'CN¥', '¥', 'RMB', '元'],
           minor=2, countries=['HK'])

In [3]: iso4217parse.country?
Signature: iso4217parse.by_country(country_code)
Get all currencies used in country

    country_code: unicode  iso3166 alpha2 country code

    List[Currency]: Currency objects used in country.

by_symbol: Get currencies that use the given symbol:

In [1]: import iso4217parse

In [2]: iso4217parse.by_symbol('$MN')
  Currency(alpha3='CUP', code_num=192, name='Cuban peso',
           symbols=['₱', '$', '﹩', '$', 'dollar', 'dollars', 'Dollar', 'Dollars', '$MN', '﹩MN', '$MN'],
           minor=2, countries=['CU'])

In [3]: iso4217parse.by_symbol('$')
Out[3]: [...] # 35 different currencies

In [4]: [c.alpha3 for c in iso4217parse.by_symbol('$')]
['ARS', 'AUD', 'BBD', 'BMD', 'BZD', 'SBD', 'BND', 'CAD', 'CVE', 'KYD', 'CLP',
 'COP', 'CUP', 'DOP', 'FJD', 'GYD', 'HKD', 'JMD', 'LRD', 'MXN', 'NAD', 'NZD',
 'SGD', 'TTD', 'USD', 'UYU', 'TWD', 'CUC', 'ZWL', 'XCD', 'SRD', 'BRL', 'KID',
 'NTD', 'TVD']

In [5]: iso4217parse.by_symbol('$', country_code='US')
  Currency(alpha3='USD', code_num=840, name='United States dollar',
           symbols=['US$', '$', '$', '﹩', 'dollar', 'dollars', 'Dollar', 'Dollars', 'US$', 'US﹩'],
           countries=['AS', 'EC', 'GU', 'HT', 'MH', 'MP', 'PR', 'PW', 'SV', 'TC', 'TL', 'UM', 'US'])

In [6]: iso4217parse.by_symbol?
Signature: iso4217parse.by_symbol(symbol, country_code=None)
Get list of possible currencies for symbol; filter by country_code

Look for all currencies that use the `symbol`. If there are currencies used
in the country of `country_code`, return only those; otherwise return all
found currencies.

    symbol: unicode                  Currency symbol.
    country_code: Optional[unicode]  Iso3166 alpha2 country code.

    List[Currency]: Currency objects for `symbol`; filter by country_code.

by_symbol_match: Look for currency symbol occurence in input string:

In [1]: import iso4217parse

In [2]: iso4217parse.by_symbol_match('RD$35.8')
  Currency(alpha3='DOP', code_num=214, name='Dominican peso',
           symbols=['RD$', '$', '﹩', '$', 'dollar', 'dollars', 'Dollar', 'Dollars', 'RD$', 'RD﹩'],
           minor=2, countries=['DO'])

In [3]: iso4217parse.by_symbol_match('The price is ₨ 35.8 !')
  Currency(alpha3='LKR', code_num=144, name='Sri Lankan rupee',
           symbols=['රු', '₨', 'Rs', 'ரூ', 'SLRs', 'rupees', 'rupee'],
           minor=2, countries=['LK']),
  Currency(alpha3='MUR', code_num=480, name='Mauritian rupee',
           symbols=['₨', 'rupees', 'rupee'], minor=2, countries=['MU']),
  Currency(alpha3='NPR', code_num=524, name='Nepalese rupee',
           symbols=['रु', '₨', 'Rs', 'Re', 'rupees', 'rupee'], minor=2, countries=['NP']),
  Currency(alpha3='PKR', code_num=586, name='Pakistani rupee',
           symbols=['₨', 'Rs', 'rupees', 'rupee'],
           minor=2, countries=['PK'])

In [4]: iso4217parse.by_symbol_match('The price is ₨ 35.8 !', country_code='NP')
  Currency(alpha3='NPR', code_num=524, name='Nepalese rupee',
           symbols=['रु', '₨', 'Rs', 'Re', 'rupees', 'rupee'],
           minor=2, countries=['NP'])

In [5]: iso4217parse.by_symbol_match?
Signature: iso4217parse.by_symbol_match(value, country_code=None)
Get list of possible currencies where the symbol is in value; filter by country_code (iso3166 alpha2 code)

Look for first matching currency symbol in `value`. Filter similar to `by_symbol`.
Symbols are sorted by length and relevance of first character (see `_symbols()`).

Note: This is a [heuristic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heuristic) !

    value: unicode                   Some input string.
    country_code: Optional[unicode]  Iso3166 alpha2 country code.

    List[Currency]: Currency objects found in `value`; filter by country_code.

Data aquisition

Basic ISO4217 currency information is gathered from wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_4217 . The tables are parsed with gen_data.py and stored in iso4217parse/data.json. This gives information for alpha3, code_num, name, minor and countries. The currency symbol information is hand gathered from:

and stored in iso4217parse/symbols.json. Each currency can have multiple currency symbols - the first symbol in the list is the (opinionated) choice for the currency.

Contribution Note: Possible ways to contribute here:

  • hand check symbols for currency code.
  • automatic generation of the iso4217parse/symbols.json file.