
Test - Waves

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Goal: Waves play a big part in the registration process so we want to make sure they work as expected.

Steps to complete this user path

  1. Create an account at https://register.tamuhack.com/accounts/signup/.
  2. Check a verification email has been sent to the appropriate email address and that the link works.
  3. Log in with this user at https://register.tamuhack.com/accounts/login/.
  4. Navigate to https://register.tamuhack.com/application/.
  5. Fill the form appropriately and submit. Verify an error appears showing an invalid registration wave.
  6. Navigate to the admin panel at https://register.tamuhack.com/admin/.
  7. Create an active wave that includes the current date in the admin panel and set the walk-in checkbox to False (default).
  8. Fill the form appropriately and submit.
  9. Make sure the application that was submitted has the walk-in status set to False.
  10. Edit the current wave and this time set the walk-in checkbox to True.
  11. Make sure the application that was submitted has the walk-in status set to True.
  12. Accept the application.
  13. Visit the status and verify you can RSVP at https://register.tamuhack.com/status/.
  14. Edit the first wave so the deadline has already passed.
  15. Reload the status and verify that you no longer can do anything (the last deadline passed)
  16. Navigate to https://register.tamuhack.com/application/.
  17. Fill the form appropriately and submit. Verify an error appears showing an invalid registration wave.
  18. Add a second wave in the future.
  19. Visit the status and verify you can see the future wave appear at https://register.tamuhack.com/status/.
  20. Edit the second wave to so it now inside the current date.
  21. Visit the status and verify you can RSVP at https://register.tamuhack.com/status/.