
Update options

moominot opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi, I recently find your library and is great!
I'm using it in a webapp but I wanted to update desired row.
I change a little bit your code to do so, maybe you want to add those changes to your library:
at the begining...

  • Append HTML form data to Spreadsheet.
  • @param {object} object Object including formData returned from HtmlFormObjectParserForGoogleAppsScript_js.
  • @param {number} rowNumber The row number to edit (1-based index). *
  • @return {object} object Object including Class Spreadsheet, Class Sheet, Class Range of the row put the values, values

function appendFormData(object,row) {
return new HtmlFormApp(object).appendFormData(row);

And then change de range with:

rowNumber = row?row:this.lastRow + 1 range = this.sheet.getRange(rowNumber, 1, values.length, values[0].length); range.setValues(values);

maybe it could be integrated in the same object, but my knowledge is very limited...
I'm learning a lot with all your work! thank you very much

Thank you for your comment. Now, I noticed from your comment. I apologize for my late response.

Now, I updated HtmlFormApp by reflecting your suggestion as v1.0.2. Please confirm it.

great! thank you