Can't load SSD300MobileNet pretrained model
luisdecker opened this issue · 2 comments
luisdecker commented
Hello there!
I'm trying to load the SSD300MobileNet using the SSD.ipynb script and the avaible MobileNetSSD300weights_voc_2007.hdf5 weights, but i always get a error regarding dimensions of one of the layers:
ValueError: Layer #42 (named "conv13_mbox_conf"), weight <tf.Variable 'conv13_mbox_conf_1/kernel:0' shape=(1, 1, 512, 126) dtype=float32_ref> has shape (1, 1, 512, 126), but the saved weight has shape (126, 1024, 1, 1).
Am I doing something wrong?
Thanks for your attention.
jefersonf commented
@luisdecker Have you solved this problem?
I have a related issue, but it's about fit_generator when I start the training phase.
luisdecker commented
@jefersonf I wasn't able to correct this issue.