
executeCallback is never called in executeAsyncWithArguments

Hexer10 opened this issue · 8 comments

This is my current code:

    final args = [
    final ffmpeg = FlutterFFmpeg();
    final id = await ffmpeg.executeAsyncWithArguments(args, (execution) async {
      // This never gets called

      if (execution.returnCode == 255) {

the encoding works fine and the output file is created successfully, but the executionCallback is never called and I'm unable to see when ffmpeg exits successfully (or not).

Logs here


flutter_ffmpeg: ^0.4.0

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Currently I've managed to workaround this issue in this way:

    final ffmpeg = FlutterFFmpeg();
    final file = File(path);
    Future.doWhile(() async {
      if (!(await file.exists())) {
        await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 2));
        return true;
      final stat = await file.stat();
      final size = stat.size;
      if (oldSize != size) {
        oldSize = size;
        await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 2));
        return true;
      return false;
    }).then((_) async {
      // encoding done

I have the same issue, the executeCallback doesn't get ever called.


Hello @tanersener
Do you have any ideas why this is happening?

@dala00 I don't know what is the problem in your case. I can't understand it just by looking at the logs.

The original post doesn't define the executeCallback as it should be. Have a look at the examples in the README or the code of the example application.

@dala00 I don't know what is the problem in your case. I can't understand it just by looking at the logs.

The original post doesn't define the executeCallback as it should be. Have a look at the examples in the README or the code of the example application.

Ok, thank you. I'll give it a glance

@dala00 I don't know what is the problem in your case. I can't understand it just by looking at the logs.

The original post doesn't define the executeCallback as it should be. Have a look at the examples in the README or the code of the example application.

@tanersener I looked at the README and the example app, I don't see the problem here.

In the example app you use:

                (CompletedFFmpegExecution execution) {

              if (execution.returnCode == 0) {
                ffprint("Encode completed successfully; playing video.");
              } else {
                ffprint("Encode failed with rc=${execution.returnCode}.");
                showPopup("Encode failed. Please check log for the details.");
            }).then((executionId) {
                  "Async FFmpeg process started with arguments '$ffmpegCommand' and executionId $executionId.");


Future<int> executeAsyncFFmpeg(
    String command, ExecuteCallback executeCallback) async {
  return await _flutterFFmpeg.executeAsync(command, executeCallback);

In the README it's written:

_flutterFFmpeg.executeAsync(ffmpegCommand, (int executionId, int returnCode) {
  print("FFmpeg process for executionId $executionId exited with rc $returnCode");
}).then((executionId) => print("Async FFmpeg process started with executionId $executionId."));

Which seems a little bit old, considering the callback has two arguments.

In my app I use:

    await _ffmpeg.executeAsync(
      '-i ${video.path} -i ${watermark.path} '
      '-filter_complex "overlay=main_w-overlay_w-40:main_h-overlay_h-32" '
      '-c:a copy -c:v libx264 -crf 16 -preset ultrafast ${watermarkedVideo.path}',
      (execution) {
        print('Completed! ${execution.executionId} ${execution.returnCode}');

And the callback I provided still doesn't get called.

I'm kind of stuck right now

Which seems a little bit old, considering the callback has two arguments.

@dmiedev Example used for executeAsync is out of date. (int executionId, int returnCode) was the previous signature for this method. I'll update the README.

I don't get any errors when I test your snippet. Can you try to reproduce this case by modifying the example app? Or if you provide steps to reproduce this issue that can help too.

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